Friday, September 18, 2015

340 Days

-New laptop (thanks, mom!)
-Etsy is live!
-Obtained a third job to increase saving capabilities
-Completed EdX course on Comics History

Welp, I'm within the year mark and I still have a lot of work ahead of me--BUT--I've secured a third job to accompany my various endeavors so I can save enough for my student visa. It turns out that applying for the Marshall and the Fulbright were not in the cards for me this year, but I'm sure I have the ability to hustle to make do. I have been continuously down-sizing my belongings and researching various funding options so I can be as prepared as possible. As of right now, my main goal is to work and save as much as possible (along with completing my fall term courses). I have reached an accord with some family members who are willing to pitch in on some expenses, so the ball is rolling! Now to save and sell off the remainder of my belongings so I can commence my Scotland sojourn next fall.

To round things out, here's what I look like on paper:

Double major in Arts and Letters AND Art History
Minor in Medieval Studies and English
Post-Bacc Certificate in Comics Studies
Graduate summa cum laude (In progress) 3.95 GPA

Simon Benson Art History Scholarship
Schwenn Family Scholarship
Blick Merit Scholarship
President's List (continuous)
Honorable Mention, Northview Gallery 2013
Artist of the Year, 2006

GirlPower! Vol. 86: On Fleek. PSU. August 2015.
Fees, fees and more fees. The Vanguard. April 2015.
Lessons Learned. July 2015. Self-Published.
Munchies: Coloring Book. July 2015. Self-Published.
Sissy Pants 1-3. July 2014. Self-Published.

August 2015-Present: Research Assistant to Dr. McClanan, Medieval Art History, PSU
July 2014-Present Intern Sequential Art Gallery
May 2015-Present Volunteer Reading Frenzy
December 2014-Present Library Attendant College of Urban and Pubilc Affairs, PSU

Reading Frenzy
Portland Audiences for Cultural Exploration
Portland Art Museum
Rose City Comic Con
Stumptown Comics Fest

Select Exhibitions:
Munchies Solo Exhibition, July 2015
Pieces and Parts Group Exhibition, July 2015
Ladies Solo Exhibition, January 2015
Bill Murray  Group Exhibition, December 2014
Vinyl Art Show Group Exhibition, December 2014
Woodcuts v.2 Solo Exhibition, May 2014
Fan Girl Solo Exhibition, May 2014
Woodcuts Solo Exhibition, April 2014

AND THERE'S MORE! But, that's a little flavor of who I am and what I am doing in attempts to get to graduate school in Scotland!