Sunday, March 6, 2016

170 days

The time has come, I'm going into my FINAL finals week at PSU! Not only that, but I ONLY HAVE TWO WEEKS LEFT IN PORTLAND before I move back to the Tri-Cities in order to save some money. I can't believe that it's all happening so fast, and that it is indeed happening!  I've been putting the time and effort in, and now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel I am equal parts stoked and scared.

I've lived in Portland for 10 years now, 5 of which I've lived in my cozy little house on Montana Avenue. So moving back home will be an eye opener, but something that I do look forward to. BUT, there's some things in the works that might truncate my stay in the Tri-Cities, and that thing is MARVEL. I only have an interview, but hey, I HAVE AN INTERVIEW WITH MARVEL F*CKING COMICS! It's for a summer internship that will perfectly fill the gap between now and Scotland. I just can't even!

The only downside is, I desperately need to save money for school and that will be hard if I get this internship. I have a lot of pros and cons to weight out, but I trust in my ability to figure shit out and make the best of it. We'll see what happens, but for now I'm just glad to be presented with this opportunity.

Also, my crowdfunding page is still up, link to your right!  I still have a ways to go to reach my goal of $2000, but I do have some donors!  The photo above is one of the snail mail packs I'm sending out that includes: a custom portrait, a woodblock print, a notebook and variety of self-published comics. I can't make Scotland happen without outside support, and please know I do appreciate it and will reward patrons with gifts from the heart.

For now, I must prepare for finals and get ready to host my first ever COMICS WORKSHOP!

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