Sunday, October 18, 2015

310 Days

Now that I have a computer capable of digital art, here is some of what I've been working on!  There's a learning curve, but as I slowly add to my toolbox, it is becoming easier drawing by drawing. 

Great news!  I am getting my passport FO' FREE! Well, for the cost of passport photos ($7), but a huge step and money saved! Next month when I receive the official passport, I will be able to move forward with applications and be able to apply for scholarships specific to the University of Dundee. 

Next up, aside from finishing schoolwork, will be to continue my downsizing and money saving efforts. I've just realized that it's around 9 months until I go to Scotland, but only 5 months until I move home!  Time is flying by!  I have made the decision to move home in March, after school (for me) is through for several reasons. One, I'll be able to save on rent, utilities, and so on. That's just a smart move, and I love my family, so it won't be painful. This way, I'll be able to save $440 per month that I wouldn't be able to do while living in Portland. Second, pay rates are higher in Washington, and paychecks aren't taxed as heavily due to sales tax versus income tax. Again, this seems like a no brainer--move home and make 1/3 more, or stay in Portland and pay rent and lose 1/3 of my check? Home it is! 

With the decision to move home for a few months prior to my departure, it really means that I need to solidify certain arrangements NOW. I will need all of my documents in order, flight arrangements, and school paperwork established so when I do move, I won't have to worry about making trips to Portland to tie up loose ends. 

I'm very excited to start my adventure after hearing about the new Comics Creative Space in Dundee, as well as the program itself getting great reviews. Hopefully I can make contact with some of the organizations in Dundee to see about potential funding opportunities, volunteer work once I'm there, and so on. I can't wait to become a part of the Dundee comics community, to learn and share, and promote more individuals to not only study abroad, but to broaden their horizons when it comes to the comics medium. 

Up next:
-Continue to work as much as possible
-Excel in courses
-Crowdfunding campaign leg work

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