Wednesday, December 9, 2015

258 Days

Fall term at Portland State is wrapping up nicely, and I'm feeling confidant and excited about my future endeavors. I've been working hard to build momentum to fund my Scotland adventure, and the holiday season has provided an ideal time to reflect on how far I've come and what I've accomplished thus far, which both seems like a lot and nothing at all simultaneously.

As far as classes, I think I owned this term!  I took 5 classes whereas most students only take 3. I guess you could call it double time instead of full-time. Courses include:
          -Comics Theory
          -English History 1066-1660
          -Field Studies: Gorge
          -Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
          -Excursions in Math (blech, math!)

Not only did I enroll in all of these classes, but I took on extra work AND another job! Come finals, I did two comic projects instead of one, helped out cohorts with their work, wrote 20 pages about the Stuart reign and still managed to sleep 8 hours a night. One instructor even stopped me before class last week to congratulate me for the great success I had in her class over the term. I am feeling fantastic, and it's all due to dedication and kick-ass time management.

Work wise, here's the update!  I'm still holding down the fort in the College of Urban and Pubic Affairs lab and library, while still temping in the Dean's office when they need assistance. I've also been enjoying working for the PSU Box Office, where through this position I get to enjoy a flexible schedule AND I get to attend the events I work (Plays, chamber music, opera, recitals...).  I've always complained how I never get to go to the symphony because it is expensive for a student, but now thanks to this job, I do get to go! My research assistant position with Dr. McClanan is also going well. This term I helped her due preliminary research for a Byzantine textiles project that centers around GRYPHONS (griffin, gryfin, so many spellings!). At one point I realized that I was living my childhood dream--being paid to read, write and research mythical beasts. I'm still working down at Sequential Art Gallery on Saturdays, and we've had some killer shows over the past few months, namely the work of Jonathan Case. Give him a Google, you'll love his cartooning style!  For side work, I've been hired for a seasonal position at Amazon, which I've only just finished the orientation for. It should be interesting! Last, but certainly not least, over the holiday break from school I'll be returning to Benton City, Wa to play waitress again with my mom. Nothing like a working vacation! (No, really, it's awesome to go on vacation, hang out with my mom, AND get paid!)

Even with working a variety of jobs, it's still hard for this old girl to save. I still have bills to pay, and things like a suitcase and plane tickets to buy. That's why I've been working on putting together a crowdfunding campaign to help get the nominal amount for my student visa. I've been creating a comic to explain my endeavors, organizing reward tiers and compiling a list of potential sponsors to contact. If all goes to plan, I should be able to launch the site within a month. More details to come!

To wrap it up, I can't believe that it's all coming together. I've gotten my passport, been watching plane ticket prices, signed up for my ISIC card and taking daily Google Earth tours. I've hit my $1000 mark on savings, which puts me ahead of my projected savings (5 jobs do help). Next will be to launch the crowdfunding campaign, work on FAFSA, apply for scholarships and continue to work, work, WORK!

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