Friday, July 31, 2015

389 Days

Summer Term:
18 Credits
UNST 421-500 GirlPower Capstone
An interesting dissertation on the Capstone
SCI 343U-001 Columbia Basin Plant Communities
HST 354U Early Medieval History
ARH 358U Romanesque Art History

Fall Term:
16 Credits
ENG 449 Comics History and Theory
MTH 105 MATH (scores to become null after 5-7 years at PSU & PCC)
ARH 356U Early Medieval Art History
HST 355U Medeival History
(trying to get into English History, though!)

Work Schedule 
(ends 8/14/15, Resumes 9/28/15)

Combine the two, and you have my weekly schedule:

I felt that it was necessary to share my schedule, both for courses and work, to prove that I am indeed making the effort to study abroad in Scotland. First and foremost, I must complete my classes. Second, I need to work to pay rent, and then find a way to start saving.

My work schedule fluctuates. I started out the term with 13 hours and have now acquired up to 30 hours per week, but it is not reliable. It makes solidifying a budget near impossible considering my schedule can change weekly (aside from my 'set' 13 hours), and it changes by term as well.  I have applied for a second job as a projectionist at the school theater which offers a set 16 hours per week throughout the school year. THAT would be ideal, since I will still be able to supplement hours with my current library position. Fingers crossed I get a call back!

Next up will be to complete my Fulbright proposal and wrangle my references.  This is still confusing, as it seems PSU has a preliminary review board before officially sending it off in October. This worries me because if I don't pass the preliminary board, they won't approve my official application.  I just recently found out about this little tidbit from the school Fulbright coordinator, who scoffed that I did not know this information already.  There was no information regarding the process on the school's Fulbright page, so how was I supposed to know?  All I can do is try my best to knock their socks off!  I have a unique course of study, that is for sure, so at the very least I'll be memorable (the tattoos, piercings and mohawk will surely help with that as well!).

If I do not receive the Fulbright, it's on to more scholarship and grant applications. This decision will solidify if I need to do any additional crowdfunding/fundraising on top of savings in order to come up with the $12,000 I need by June 1st, at the latest, for my Visa. I'll also have to apply for federal aid in January to receive the $20,500 offered in graduate subsidized loans. This is something that I hope I don't have to do, but I am dedicated to studying at the University of Dundee so I'll just have to take the plunge--if necessary.

Scholarships/Grants/Fundraising/Savings will allow me to seal the deal on my position at the University. If I do not get the Fulbright, which will fund all of my expenses, I'll need to apply for the program and accommodation by May 1st. Once the official offer is received, I have the opportunity to apply for international student scholarships through the school (which is also competitive) and finally be able to apply for my Visa (so I don't get deported).

In between all of this, I need to purchase plane tickets--incoming in December, outgoing in May/June (which I'll have to adjust when I get to Scotland since one can only purchase tickets 330 days in advance). This is probably the easiest part since STA Travel offers killer deals on flights for students. I'll be able to fly one way from Seattle to Glasgow for $340, including taxes and fees. Purchasing two tickets is the cheapest option available, which I'll take! Also, with my recent discovery of MegaBus, I'll be able to save some money getting from Glasgow to Dundee. If I can time it right, I'll be able to catch a bus for roughly $2!

There's a variety of small things to accomplish, too.  This includes a health physical, getting copies of my official documents, getting my biometetrics(finger prints). I also need to stat acquiring necessary items such as a suitcase and rain jacket while simultaneously downsizing my belongings. My goal is to be able to arrive in Scotland with a suitcase, a carry-on pack and a purse. I think that I can do it!

I have a running checklist of everything I need to get done along with a list of scholarships and grants to apply to. I research a little everyday, and also 'troll' countless other study abroad blogs to glean any pertinent information. This has proved extremely valuable to hear about other travel stories, so I can avoid any errors while in transit. Considering that when I do arrive in Scotland, I will have been scheming for a year and 5 months, so I'm sure I'll iron things out prior to my departure (or at least most of it!)

In meantime, I've been battling my own woes aside from work and school. My home is still up in the air and I've been deep cleaning like crazy due to bed bugs. With my kidney stones earlier this month, a nut allergy outbreak, my legs welting because of grass, my grandmother passing--sheesh!  The stress is catching up with me, and my eyeball literally exploded because of it:
Knowing that I can't control everything does ease my mind, but it sure would be nice to catch a break. Working 7 days a week, scheming, school and art shows... now THAT I signed up for. This cascade of other life issues is surely unwanted, but I do understand that it happens. It makes me appreciate every small victory, and gives me the confidence to push on and continue succeeding. If I can make it through this summer, I can surely do anything!

Also, I'm compiling a list of items needed (or just want) for my trip. 

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