Wednesday, July 29, 2015

391 Days

After doing my budget, and assessing Visa requirements, $11,820 is what I need to have saved by June 1st at the latest. That total is just to get into the country, not including room and board, travel and feeding myself. I am scheming morning, noon and night on how to come up with that money, and  it has really solidified the fact that I need support--donations, scholarships and grants are going to be my bread and butter to each that total.

I am trying though, every day, and I'm still a little over a year out from my (ideal) departure date. Every week I've been submitting scholarship applications, either to supplement this academic year, 2015-16, or for my year in Scotland, 2016-17. Any supplemental income, now or in the future, is not only paramount but greatly appreciated. My goal is to come up with enough funding to take care of my living expenses while in Portland so I can save 90% of my paychecks, and also allow me to travel while I am in Scotland.

In order to save money and show my current efforts, I made this little comic in my sketchbook. I've assessed my finances and am trimming the excess wherever I can. This means ramen is now my dietary staple, I am biking as much as possible, making money any way I can and starting to downsize my belongings in order to fit my life in a suitcase. It's hard, especially knowing that I still have a year of penny-pinching ahead of me--and let's face it, I'll probably be doing the same when I get to Scotland!

All I can do is keep plugging away, applying for everything I can, and cutting costs wherever and whenever possible. If you'd like to help out, now or in the future, check out the buttons to the right of the screen!  I've created a PayPal donation button, and a link to my Wishlist. Basically, if you would like to buy me some bus passes, or donate some dollars so I can get my passport (my first goal), I will not only love you forever but mail you a custom piece of art!  Think about it!

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