Monday, July 27, 2015

393 days

I've been doing the best that I can to figure out EXACTLY what I need to come up with to make Scotland happen. My total cost, in light orange, is the bare minimum I would need to go (plus some wiggle room). The green is what I know I can come up with 100%, but I'm probably shooting low.. I'll be able to take out loans through the US government, which is a huge help, although I would prefer it if I could get the Fulbright or similar scholarship (fingers crossed!)

I figure that I can try to save around $600/month for 9 months to come up with my own contribution. This is, of course, if my work schedule stays consistent. I have received enough funding through scholarships for the next 6 months to cover my tuition and living costs, so practically all of my paychecks can go towards the Scotland fund. Hopefully through crowdfunding I'll  be able to come up with around $2000, potentially more.  The average campaign on GoFundMe, Kickstarter and GoEnnounce averaged 2K, and I think I can earn around the same amount if I try! 

Fundraising is something that I haven't factored in yet because I'm still unsure of how it will all pan out. I hope to teach some painting classes, sell things at Last Thursday, bake sale, sell art online, etc... But trying to gauge that amount would be difficult, so I just left that out--for now. 

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