Wednesday, July 15, 2015

405 days until Scotland

Where I'm at now:

I am currently wrapping up my studies for 2 classes this week, with 2 more culminating next month. It's been a challenge to take 18 credits in 8 weeks while working, volunteering, interning, art-showing, house-fixing...but I'm doing it and I can't believe it! I've pushed myself before, but this is a whole new level of dedication that I didn't know I was capable of. Every day for the past two months has been meticulously planned out, and will continue this way until Labor Day (ironically).  I don't plan on sacrificing any of my extracurricular's, and I need to keep working to keep a roof over my head, and of course save for Scotland!

Having every day planned out for the next two months doesn't necessarily offer time for a vacation, dates with my partner, or lounging. But there's something magical about doing something everyday, where there's no room for error or excuses. I like this side of me. Dedicated. Diligent. Prudent. It also helps that I love everything I'm doing: school, work, gallery, art shows, bookshops and comics. No jobs I despise, or fighting to get out of bed every morning. It's remarkable, and I wish 21 year old me would have known this. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORK IN A BAR!" BUT, all my life experiences are what got me to this point, so I wouldn't change a thing.

Scotland updates:

I'm working on the Marshal Scholarship and forming a continuous narrative over 7 essays to prove my worth as a creative, a scholar while emphasizing my "hard luck" (advisers words, not mine). It's a little nerve-wracking, because in cases like this I don't know what's too personal or too vague when telling my story, but all I can do is be myself and highlight my accomplishments and strengths. Now to just solidify FOUR letters of recommendation and I can send it in! The competition for this award, as well as the Fulbright, are very competitive, so I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket (but it sure would be nice!).

Along with essays, I've been slowly but surely reducing my material items in order to fit my life in a suit case. A minimalist lifestyle has ALWAYS been a goal of mine, but never quite a reality living in the land of free-piles, Portland. Fighting temptations every day, I've stopped purchasing extraneous items and have been discarding a few items every day to my yard sale/donation pile. With the ease of technology today, I don't feel to cumbersome in passing along some of my prized possessions to friends and family, knowing that they're going to good homes and I can carry a tablet versus 10 boxes of books. A sacrifice, but a realistic one considering my financial limitations when it comes time to move.

So, a wrap up:
-Finishing studies
-Working on essays
-Minimizing belongings

I'm doing it! One small step at a time!

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