Wednesday, July 22, 2015

398 Days

You know the scene in Better of Dead with John Cusak where he's getting ready for his downhill run, and he gets the pep talk from Charles?  In that crazy top hat, Charles imparts these words of wisdom, "If something get's in your way, turn!"

Well, I'm taking that literally in the means of obstacles, since I'm not catching a break!  Not that a break is necessary, but in the midst of my cycling goals I was hospitalized temporarily for kidney stones. Along with that, it turns out one of my recommendations for the Marshal Scholarship is out of town this summer, while my adviser I have been working with just informed me that she's taken a position at another university, so she won't be able to complete and send off my application. Geez!

On a lighter note, I've completed 2 of the 4 classes with A's in both classes. Now I can breathe a little with my remaining two courses.   I've also taken a position with the Dean's office on a regular basis until the start of fall term to kick-start my savings goals for moving overseas. Although I'm enduring one hiccup right now, I'm sure that I'll be able to work something out to complete the scholarship application, or at least come up with a better alternative.

Back to studying!

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