Sunday, December 20, 2015

247 days

Crowdfunding is now live: 

Here is an introductory comic to my crowdfunding endeavor. I've listed some early bird rewards while I figure out how to navigate the site and upload more reward tiers. Thanks for checking it out!

(click to enlarge)

Friday, December 11, 2015

256 Days

This video by John Duncan definitely inspires! I can't wait to go adventure in less than a year!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

257 Days

I've realized looking over my Wishlistr that I've knocked a lot of my preparation list!

Rain boots
Waterproof Jacket
Bus Pass
ISIC Card 

What I still need:

Plane Ticket 1 (I'm checking every day!)
Noise cancelling headphones
Polaroid + film

In other news, I've submitted formal analysis papers to several conferences in hopes of bolstering my CV which will hopefully in turn result in some grant/scholarship money. I'm really trying to make it work!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

258 Days

Fall term at Portland State is wrapping up nicely, and I'm feeling confidant and excited about my future endeavors. I've been working hard to build momentum to fund my Scotland adventure, and the holiday season has provided an ideal time to reflect on how far I've come and what I've accomplished thus far, which both seems like a lot and nothing at all simultaneously.

As far as classes, I think I owned this term!  I took 5 classes whereas most students only take 3. I guess you could call it double time instead of full-time. Courses include:
          -Comics Theory
          -English History 1066-1660
          -Field Studies: Gorge
          -Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
          -Excursions in Math (blech, math!)

Not only did I enroll in all of these classes, but I took on extra work AND another job! Come finals, I did two comic projects instead of one, helped out cohorts with their work, wrote 20 pages about the Stuart reign and still managed to sleep 8 hours a night. One instructor even stopped me before class last week to congratulate me for the great success I had in her class over the term. I am feeling fantastic, and it's all due to dedication and kick-ass time management.

Work wise, here's the update!  I'm still holding down the fort in the College of Urban and Pubic Affairs lab and library, while still temping in the Dean's office when they need assistance. I've also been enjoying working for the PSU Box Office, where through this position I get to enjoy a flexible schedule AND I get to attend the events I work (Plays, chamber music, opera, recitals...).  I've always complained how I never get to go to the symphony because it is expensive for a student, but now thanks to this job, I do get to go! My research assistant position with Dr. McClanan is also going well. This term I helped her due preliminary research for a Byzantine textiles project that centers around GRYPHONS (griffin, gryfin, so many spellings!). At one point I realized that I was living my childhood dream--being paid to read, write and research mythical beasts. I'm still working down at Sequential Art Gallery on Saturdays, and we've had some killer shows over the past few months, namely the work of Jonathan Case. Give him a Google, you'll love his cartooning style!  For side work, I've been hired for a seasonal position at Amazon, which I've only just finished the orientation for. It should be interesting! Last, but certainly not least, over the holiday break from school I'll be returning to Benton City, Wa to play waitress again with my mom. Nothing like a working vacation! (No, really, it's awesome to go on vacation, hang out with my mom, AND get paid!)

Even with working a variety of jobs, it's still hard for this old girl to save. I still have bills to pay, and things like a suitcase and plane tickets to buy. That's why I've been working on putting together a crowdfunding campaign to help get the nominal amount for my student visa. I've been creating a comic to explain my endeavors, organizing reward tiers and compiling a list of potential sponsors to contact. If all goes to plan, I should be able to launch the site within a month. More details to come!

To wrap it up, I can't believe that it's all coming together. I've gotten my passport, been watching plane ticket prices, signed up for my ISIC card and taking daily Google Earth tours. I've hit my $1000 mark on savings, which puts me ahead of my projected savings (5 jobs do help). Next will be to launch the crowdfunding campaign, work on FAFSA, apply for scholarships and continue to work, work, WORK!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

310 Days

Now that I have a computer capable of digital art, here is some of what I've been working on!  There's a learning curve, but as I slowly add to my toolbox, it is becoming easier drawing by drawing. 

Great news!  I am getting my passport FO' FREE! Well, for the cost of passport photos ($7), but a huge step and money saved! Next month when I receive the official passport, I will be able to move forward with applications and be able to apply for scholarships specific to the University of Dundee. 

Next up, aside from finishing schoolwork, will be to continue my downsizing and money saving efforts. I've just realized that it's around 9 months until I go to Scotland, but only 5 months until I move home!  Time is flying by!  I have made the decision to move home in March, after school (for me) is through for several reasons. One, I'll be able to save on rent, utilities, and so on. That's just a smart move, and I love my family, so it won't be painful. This way, I'll be able to save $440 per month that I wouldn't be able to do while living in Portland. Second, pay rates are higher in Washington, and paychecks aren't taxed as heavily due to sales tax versus income tax. Again, this seems like a no brainer--move home and make 1/3 more, or stay in Portland and pay rent and lose 1/3 of my check? Home it is! 

With the decision to move home for a few months prior to my departure, it really means that I need to solidify certain arrangements NOW. I will need all of my documents in order, flight arrangements, and school paperwork established so when I do move, I won't have to worry about making trips to Portland to tie up loose ends. 

I'm very excited to start my adventure after hearing about the new Comics Creative Space in Dundee, as well as the program itself getting great reviews. Hopefully I can make contact with some of the organizations in Dundee to see about potential funding opportunities, volunteer work once I'm there, and so on. I can't wait to become a part of the Dundee comics community, to learn and share, and promote more individuals to not only study abroad, but to broaden their horizons when it comes to the comics medium. 

Up next:
-Continue to work as much as possible
-Excel in courses
-Crowdfunding campaign leg work

Friday, September 18, 2015

340 Days

-New laptop (thanks, mom!)
-Etsy is live!
-Obtained a third job to increase saving capabilities
-Completed EdX course on Comics History

Welp, I'm within the year mark and I still have a lot of work ahead of me--BUT--I've secured a third job to accompany my various endeavors so I can save enough for my student visa. It turns out that applying for the Marshall and the Fulbright were not in the cards for me this year, but I'm sure I have the ability to hustle to make do. I have been continuously down-sizing my belongings and researching various funding options so I can be as prepared as possible. As of right now, my main goal is to work and save as much as possible (along with completing my fall term courses). I have reached an accord with some family members who are willing to pitch in on some expenses, so the ball is rolling! Now to save and sell off the remainder of my belongings so I can commence my Scotland sojourn next fall.

To round things out, here's what I look like on paper:

Double major in Arts and Letters AND Art History
Minor in Medieval Studies and English
Post-Bacc Certificate in Comics Studies
Graduate summa cum laude (In progress) 3.95 GPA

Simon Benson Art History Scholarship
Schwenn Family Scholarship
Blick Merit Scholarship
President's List (continuous)
Honorable Mention, Northview Gallery 2013
Artist of the Year, 2006

GirlPower! Vol. 86: On Fleek. PSU. August 2015.
Fees, fees and more fees. The Vanguard. April 2015.
Lessons Learned. July 2015. Self-Published.
Munchies: Coloring Book. July 2015. Self-Published.
Sissy Pants 1-3. July 2014. Self-Published.

August 2015-Present: Research Assistant to Dr. McClanan, Medieval Art History, PSU
July 2014-Present Intern Sequential Art Gallery
May 2015-Present Volunteer Reading Frenzy
December 2014-Present Library Attendant College of Urban and Pubilc Affairs, PSU

Reading Frenzy
Portland Audiences for Cultural Exploration
Portland Art Museum
Rose City Comic Con
Stumptown Comics Fest

Select Exhibitions:
Munchies Solo Exhibition, July 2015
Pieces and Parts Group Exhibition, July 2015
Ladies Solo Exhibition, January 2015
Bill Murray  Group Exhibition, December 2014
Vinyl Art Show Group Exhibition, December 2014
Woodcuts v.2 Solo Exhibition, May 2014
Fan Girl Solo Exhibition, May 2014
Woodcuts Solo Exhibition, April 2014

AND THERE'S MORE! But, that's a little flavor of who I am and what I am doing in attempts to get to graduate school in Scotland!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

359 Days


Although sales at Last Thursday were minimal, luck has sided with me as I have just accepted a position as a research assistant to the lead medieval art history professor at Portland State University. The pay is substantially more than the other interviews I have lined up for the week, therefore I will not have to return to food service at this point in time. The best part of this new position is that I did not apply for it, I was sought out due to my diligence and research capabilities exhibited in prior coursework. You know what? Hard work does pay off!

This is the stroke of luck I have been working towards, as this job will boost my resume, aid my scholarship-obtaining-potential and definitely make a huge contribution to my savings. Not only that, but the hours are flexible so I will be able to keep my position at the Dirce Toulan Library.

My graduate school goals are within my grasp, and I cannot wait for the day I take off to Dundee!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


It's official, I am within the year mark of my Scotland sojourn!

I have finally concluded summer term, and I'm happy to report that I have received a 4.0 GPA!  I took the past week off to rest and catch up on some TV shows as my 7 day a week schedule for the past 12 weeks was finally starting to wear me down. Now that I'm rested and rejuvenated, my search for scholarship money continues. There is still a lot of planning, budgeting, scheming, writing and drawing ahead of me, and I'm excited to continue on!

Now that I am within a year of my travels, it feels more serious and imminent. I am actually starting to feel nervous, anxious and a little voice is creeping into my head exacerbating my hesitations. What if I can't come up with the money? What if my visa is denied? What if I get there and I hate my flatmates? What if I can't find a job? What if I don't want to come back to the states?

They are practical concerns, but teetering a little too much on the negative side for me to give them attention. If I remain positive, keep focusing on my work, applying for scholarships and working as much as possible, I know I can do this. 

Some updates:

-I will be participating in Last Thursday, the street fair held monthly throughout the summer on NE Alberta Street here in Portland. At this event I will lug out all of my drawings, paintings, comics and prints to sell. It's free to set up, so it doesn't hurt trying to make a little extra money. For myself, this is a win-win event as I get to socialize, make some money and simultaneously downsize my belongings. 

-Budgeting has been made easier now that I can eliminate my monthly grocery bill with the newfound discovery of the PSU Student Food Pantry. This campus gem allots students 5 items per visit along with unlimited 'freebie' items such as produce and bread. With proper meal planning, I should be able to completely eliminate food costs and bolster my savings! 

-Monday the 31st I have an interview with a coffee shop for part-time work. With any luck, I'll land the job and be able to resign from my volunteer activities. As much as I do love being an intern and volunteer, it is time for me to really focus on completing my coursework and saving as much $$ as possible. But, that is dependent on the interview, so fingers crossed I'll get some extra work!

Ideal plan for Phase 1 & 2 (now until December):
-Turn in Fulbright
-Kickstart savings via Last Thursday
-Finalize "support" comic
-Get second job
-Re-Open Etsy or the like to sell the rest of paintings
-Craigslist Printer, scanner, computer, etc... 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

380 Days

I feel as if I'm in this liminal space where I'm not really connected to Portland and obviously not in Scotland...yet. Fully aware of the year left before I embark on my travels, I'm having a hard time suppressing the wanderlust that is brewing within me. Although I have been keeping busy with finishing the last week of summer term, working 7 days a week and scheming how to fit my life into a suitcase, the travel bug will not get out of my mind. Along with reading comics studies essays (as mentioned in the prior post) I've been reading travel books and travelogue comics in order to be as prepared as I possibly can when I leave. I don't know if it' helping or hindering my wanderlust, but at least I won't be completely clueless when I embark. Also, reading the travel and memoir comics are truly inspirational and insightful of what I hope to create regarding my own journey and dissertation proposal. Here's what Ive been reading this week:

How to Travel the World on $50 a Day Matthew Kepnes
The Good Girl's Guide to Getting Lost Rachel Friedman
Lonely Planets Best Ever Travel Tips
Age of License Lucy Knisley
Carnet de Voyage Craig Thompson
Truth is Fragmentary Gabrielle Bell

I've found little nuggets of priceless information from all of the texts so far, especially when it comes to booking flights and accruing air miles via credit cards. Another helpful company mentioned in several was, a way to get currency before I travel so I won't be hit by ATM fees while exchanging money at the airport. As I'm on a budget now, I'll be on a tighter budget while I'm traveling until I can secure part-time employment in Scotland, so discovering ways to lessen fees will definitely help in the future.

As far as preparations, there's not much I can do at this moment except wait patiently (hence the liminal mindset). I have a paper to wrap up for my early medieval history course, and a zine release party to attend on Wednesday for my senior capstone. I have a list of miscellaneous things I'd like to work on when classes conclude this week, such as improving my life drawing and urban sketching. Since I've made a travel watercolor palette, I'm excited to enjoy the end of summer while filling my sketchbook.

BUT! August 31st, my payday, I will finally have enough money to get my PASSPORT! Hot dog hallelujah, I'm so stoked. Getting my passport is my first big goal to mark off my list, and once I do it, the ball will officially be rolling towards graduate school. As I've read on other travel sites, you're never serious about traveling until you get your passport, so I hope I'll get some sort of validation from the universe once I get that pocket-sized blue book.

Other than that, I don't have much to report. Until my next milestone, I'll keep plugging away at downsizing my belongings and saving my pennies.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Proposal: Brief Outline

My proposal is threefold. First being to study comics at the University of Dundee under Dr. Chris Murray, a comics studies scholar. The University of Dundee is home to several publishing companies, the Dundee Literary Arts Festival and the Scottish Center for Comic Studies (housed at the University).  The 1 year Masters program is based around critical analysis and theory, a burgeoning field that is academically versus creatively based, although there is cross-over. In my studies I hope to bring the Portland-perspective to Scotland, and vice-versa. It's also important to note that this is one of two masters programs in comics studies in the world that is analytical, let alone the only program of it's kind in the UK! 

The second portion would be to create a travelogue comic of my studies, adventures and cultural immersion while in Scotland. I plan to learn about Scottish culture through the VL Angus, a program where Scottish families in the surrounding area invite international students into their homes, or go on outings around town;  a way to see life from their own point of view. I also plan to take bi-monthly trips around Scotland via ScotRail or MegaBus to see notable sites, such as Stirling Castle, and visit Scottish comics conventions and festivals such as Glasgow Comic-Con and the Edinburgh International Book Festival. I have a travel list made, courtesy of my weekly Google Earth tours of Scotland. 

The third and culminating portion of my travels would be to combine comics theory with my travelogue to create a dissertation focusing on the use of hermeneutic images, synecdoches and sensory diegesis in silent comics. The lack of dialogue and emphasis on clear visuals in comics can be an effective communication tool, as  the narrative devise transcends language barriers. Through silent comics, one can share cultural experiences and exploration through visuals that deeply relies on reader interaction. As a Portland comics reader, it's hard to find international comics, translated or otherwise. Studying in Scotland will help bridge the gap in my own comics history and theory knowledge. (Inspiration for this topic draws from my printmaking hero Frans Masereel, who Professor McGovern introduced me to some years ago.)

Preliminary research is being done through the comics studies program at Portland State University, exploring various silent comics, and reading the following:
Critical Approaches to Comics
Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives: Comics at the Crossroads
A Comics Studies Reader
Comics and Language: Re-imagining Critical Discourse on the Form

This is supplemented by drawing everyday, and my DIY publications. 

Sites for more information:
University of Dundee Website
Scottish Centre for Comics Studies
Dundee Comics Creative Space

389 Days

Summer Term:
18 Credits
UNST 421-500 GirlPower Capstone
An interesting dissertation on the Capstone
SCI 343U-001 Columbia Basin Plant Communities
HST 354U Early Medieval History
ARH 358U Romanesque Art History

Fall Term:
16 Credits
ENG 449 Comics History and Theory
MTH 105 MATH (scores to become null after 5-7 years at PSU & PCC)
ARH 356U Early Medieval Art History
HST 355U Medeival History
(trying to get into English History, though!)

Work Schedule 
(ends 8/14/15, Resumes 9/28/15)

Combine the two, and you have my weekly schedule:

I felt that it was necessary to share my schedule, both for courses and work, to prove that I am indeed making the effort to study abroad in Scotland. First and foremost, I must complete my classes. Second, I need to work to pay rent, and then find a way to start saving.

My work schedule fluctuates. I started out the term with 13 hours and have now acquired up to 30 hours per week, but it is not reliable. It makes solidifying a budget near impossible considering my schedule can change weekly (aside from my 'set' 13 hours), and it changes by term as well.  I have applied for a second job as a projectionist at the school theater which offers a set 16 hours per week throughout the school year. THAT would be ideal, since I will still be able to supplement hours with my current library position. Fingers crossed I get a call back!

Next up will be to complete my Fulbright proposal and wrangle my references.  This is still confusing, as it seems PSU has a preliminary review board before officially sending it off in October. This worries me because if I don't pass the preliminary board, they won't approve my official application.  I just recently found out about this little tidbit from the school Fulbright coordinator, who scoffed that I did not know this information already.  There was no information regarding the process on the school's Fulbright page, so how was I supposed to know?  All I can do is try my best to knock their socks off!  I have a unique course of study, that is for sure, so at the very least I'll be memorable (the tattoos, piercings and mohawk will surely help with that as well!).

If I do not receive the Fulbright, it's on to more scholarship and grant applications. This decision will solidify if I need to do any additional crowdfunding/fundraising on top of savings in order to come up with the $12,000 I need by June 1st, at the latest, for my Visa. I'll also have to apply for federal aid in January to receive the $20,500 offered in graduate subsidized loans. This is something that I hope I don't have to do, but I am dedicated to studying at the University of Dundee so I'll just have to take the plunge--if necessary.

Scholarships/Grants/Fundraising/Savings will allow me to seal the deal on my position at the University. If I do not get the Fulbright, which will fund all of my expenses, I'll need to apply for the program and accommodation by May 1st. Once the official offer is received, I have the opportunity to apply for international student scholarships through the school (which is also competitive) and finally be able to apply for my Visa (so I don't get deported).

In between all of this, I need to purchase plane tickets--incoming in December, outgoing in May/June (which I'll have to adjust when I get to Scotland since one can only purchase tickets 330 days in advance). This is probably the easiest part since STA Travel offers killer deals on flights for students. I'll be able to fly one way from Seattle to Glasgow for $340, including taxes and fees. Purchasing two tickets is the cheapest option available, which I'll take! Also, with my recent discovery of MegaBus, I'll be able to save some money getting from Glasgow to Dundee. If I can time it right, I'll be able to catch a bus for roughly $2!

There's a variety of small things to accomplish, too.  This includes a health physical, getting copies of my official documents, getting my biometetrics(finger prints). I also need to stat acquiring necessary items such as a suitcase and rain jacket while simultaneously downsizing my belongings. My goal is to be able to arrive in Scotland with a suitcase, a carry-on pack and a purse. I think that I can do it!

I have a running checklist of everything I need to get done along with a list of scholarships and grants to apply to. I research a little everyday, and also 'troll' countless other study abroad blogs to glean any pertinent information. This has proved extremely valuable to hear about other travel stories, so I can avoid any errors while in transit. Considering that when I do arrive in Scotland, I will have been scheming for a year and 5 months, so I'm sure I'll iron things out prior to my departure (or at least most of it!)

In meantime, I've been battling my own woes aside from work and school. My home is still up in the air and I've been deep cleaning like crazy due to bed bugs. With my kidney stones earlier this month, a nut allergy outbreak, my legs welting because of grass, my grandmother passing--sheesh!  The stress is catching up with me, and my eyeball literally exploded because of it:
Knowing that I can't control everything does ease my mind, but it sure would be nice to catch a break. Working 7 days a week, scheming, school and art shows... now THAT I signed up for. This cascade of other life issues is surely unwanted, but I do understand that it happens. It makes me appreciate every small victory, and gives me the confidence to push on and continue succeeding. If I can make it through this summer, I can surely do anything!

Also, I'm compiling a list of items needed (or just want) for my trip. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

391 Days

After doing my budget, and assessing Visa requirements, $11,820 is what I need to have saved by June 1st at the latest. That total is just to get into the country, not including room and board, travel and feeding myself. I am scheming morning, noon and night on how to come up with that money, and  it has really solidified the fact that I need support--donations, scholarships and grants are going to be my bread and butter to each that total.

I am trying though, every day, and I'm still a little over a year out from my (ideal) departure date. Every week I've been submitting scholarship applications, either to supplement this academic year, 2015-16, or for my year in Scotland, 2016-17. Any supplemental income, now or in the future, is not only paramount but greatly appreciated. My goal is to come up with enough funding to take care of my living expenses while in Portland so I can save 90% of my paychecks, and also allow me to travel while I am in Scotland.

In order to save money and show my current efforts, I made this little comic in my sketchbook. I've assessed my finances and am trimming the excess wherever I can. This means ramen is now my dietary staple, I am biking as much as possible, making money any way I can and starting to downsize my belongings in order to fit my life in a suitcase. It's hard, especially knowing that I still have a year of penny-pinching ahead of me--and let's face it, I'll probably be doing the same when I get to Scotland!

All I can do is keep plugging away, applying for everything I can, and cutting costs wherever and whenever possible. If you'd like to help out, now or in the future, check out the buttons to the right of the screen!  I've created a PayPal donation button, and a link to my Wishlist. Basically, if you would like to buy me some bus passes, or donate some dollars so I can get my passport (my first goal), I will not only love you forever but mail you a custom piece of art!  Think about it!

Monday, July 27, 2015

393 days

I've been doing the best that I can to figure out EXACTLY what I need to come up with to make Scotland happen. My total cost, in light orange, is the bare minimum I would need to go (plus some wiggle room). The green is what I know I can come up with 100%, but I'm probably shooting low.. I'll be able to take out loans through the US government, which is a huge help, although I would prefer it if I could get the Fulbright or similar scholarship (fingers crossed!)

I figure that I can try to save around $600/month for 9 months to come up with my own contribution. This is, of course, if my work schedule stays consistent. I have received enough funding through scholarships for the next 6 months to cover my tuition and living costs, so practically all of my paychecks can go towards the Scotland fund. Hopefully through crowdfunding I'll  be able to come up with around $2000, potentially more.  The average campaign on GoFundMe, Kickstarter and GoEnnounce averaged 2K, and I think I can earn around the same amount if I try! 

Fundraising is something that I haven't factored in yet because I'm still unsure of how it will all pan out. I hope to teach some painting classes, sell things at Last Thursday, bake sale, sell art online, etc... But trying to gauge that amount would be difficult, so I just left that out--for now. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

398 Days

You know the scene in Better of Dead with John Cusak where he's getting ready for his downhill run, and he gets the pep talk from Charles?  In that crazy top hat, Charles imparts these words of wisdom, "If something get's in your way, turn!"

Well, I'm taking that literally in the means of obstacles, since I'm not catching a break!  Not that a break is necessary, but in the midst of my cycling goals I was hospitalized temporarily for kidney stones. Along with that, it turns out one of my recommendations for the Marshal Scholarship is out of town this summer, while my adviser I have been working with just informed me that she's taken a position at another university, so she won't be able to complete and send off my application. Geez!

On a lighter note, I've completed 2 of the 4 classes with A's in both classes. Now I can breathe a little with my remaining two courses.   I've also taken a position with the Dean's office on a regular basis until the start of fall term to kick-start my savings goals for moving overseas. Although I'm enduring one hiccup right now, I'm sure that I'll be able to work something out to complete the scholarship application, or at least come up with a better alternative.

Back to studying!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

405 days until Scotland

Where I'm at now:

I am currently wrapping up my studies for 2 classes this week, with 2 more culminating next month. It's been a challenge to take 18 credits in 8 weeks while working, volunteering, interning, art-showing, house-fixing...but I'm doing it and I can't believe it! I've pushed myself before, but this is a whole new level of dedication that I didn't know I was capable of. Every day for the past two months has been meticulously planned out, and will continue this way until Labor Day (ironically).  I don't plan on sacrificing any of my extracurricular's, and I need to keep working to keep a roof over my head, and of course save for Scotland!

Having every day planned out for the next two months doesn't necessarily offer time for a vacation, dates with my partner, or lounging. But there's something magical about doing something everyday, where there's no room for error or excuses. I like this side of me. Dedicated. Diligent. Prudent. It also helps that I love everything I'm doing: school, work, gallery, art shows, bookshops and comics. No jobs I despise, or fighting to get out of bed every morning. It's remarkable, and I wish 21 year old me would have known this. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORK IN A BAR!" BUT, all my life experiences are what got me to this point, so I wouldn't change a thing.

Scotland updates:

I'm working on the Marshal Scholarship and forming a continuous narrative over 7 essays to prove my worth as a creative, a scholar while emphasizing my "hard luck" (advisers words, not mine). It's a little nerve-wracking, because in cases like this I don't know what's too personal or too vague when telling my story, but all I can do is be myself and highlight my accomplishments and strengths. Now to just solidify FOUR letters of recommendation and I can send it in! The competition for this award, as well as the Fulbright, are very competitive, so I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket (but it sure would be nice!).

Along with essays, I've been slowly but surely reducing my material items in order to fit my life in a suit case. A minimalist lifestyle has ALWAYS been a goal of mine, but never quite a reality living in the land of free-piles, Portland. Fighting temptations every day, I've stopped purchasing extraneous items and have been discarding a few items every day to my yard sale/donation pile. With the ease of technology today, I don't feel to cumbersome in passing along some of my prized possessions to friends and family, knowing that they're going to good homes and I can carry a tablet versus 10 boxes of books. A sacrifice, but a realistic one considering my financial limitations when it comes time to move.

So, a wrap up:
-Finishing studies
-Working on essays
-Minimizing belongings

I'm doing it! One small step at a time!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Journey Begins

Hello internet friends and family,

Some of you already follow this blog, and I'm glad to welcome you back.  For newcomers, welcome as well!  I am re-purposing my journal-blog to now document my adventures leading up to my departure to Scotland in the fall of 2016.  I know it's a ways off still, but if there's anything I've learned in my adulthood is that prudence pays off!

To let the cat out of the bag, I am planning to attend the University of Dundee in Scotland for an MLitt in Comics Studies. That's the equivalent of a U.S. Masters degree, but completed in one rigorous year (full-time attendance) versus 2-3 years in traditional programs.

Why do I want to study in Scotland?  

Several reasons. As mentioned, it's a one year program, which will significantly cut down on tuition costs.  Even with flights, passports, visas and associated fees I will incur, the total for my education will still be comparably less than if I studied in the States. Also, rent prices in Dundee are lower than what I pay now in Portland, and aforementioned flights are insanely cheap when planned in advance. I'm talking $300 flights form Seattle to Glasgow or London cheap.

Aside from the cost, which is important, it's the program itself that is paramount. Sure, there are art schools that offer "comics" at the graduate level, but they are art based versus theory based.  Also, some of the institutions in the U.S. who have these programs do carry some clout, but are unaccredited, which would be a waste of money for me as I am aiming for a doctorate in the future. In light of that, I've had the pleasure of being taught by some of the same instructors at these schools while studying at Portland State University, so by skipping over the art schools I don't feel like I'm missing out on much.

With that said, the University of Florida DOES offer the program I am looking for, but IT'S IN FLORIDA. Humidity and heat are not something I can physically deal with, let alone the tuition is considerably higher than in Scotland, and has lesser reputation in comparison.

Which leaves me with the University of Dundee's Comics Studies program. It's a well respected institution with quite the comics history under it's belt--the school and the city itself. I feel fortunate that I currently live in Portland, where cartoonists live around every corner, but it feels exclusionary in light of the REST OF THE WORLD that makes comics!  Why would I not travel abroad to expand my knowledge of international comics, foster relationships and build ties with an network of creators and readers--it just seems silly NOT to go.

Also, I think that it's important to mention that the field of comics studies, or visual rhetoric as some departments call it, is still in its infantile stage in the academic arena. What I see is a future within academia as the need for qualified instructors arise as more programs pop up around the nation. This stems from my own experience in the newly founded Comics Studies certificate at PSU, where I've had a mixture of instructors bearing professional experience to those who were just in it for a paycheck. I love comics, and I would love to share my own enthusiasm with future creators and academics alike.

And I've never been out of North America, so going overseas is like a dream come true!

So where am I at now?

I have been researching since March about programs, funding, flights, tips and tricks, and how to bolster my CV to heighten scholarship prospects. I've started the process of minimizing my belongings, strategize what quality items to purchase, checking flight prices on a weekly basis and beginning scholarship applications. I've compiled a calendar of what I need to accomplish when, along with a rough budget of what I need to live there/savings schedule.

Money is the biggest worry, as I need a certain amount just to get my visa before I even leave the country. Hence my dedication to early scholarship applications, such as the Marshall Scholarship and the Fulbright. These two study-abroad funding meccas are extremely competitive, but that's because they pay for everything, plus a monthly stipend. Granted there's rules, regulations and requirements in order to get and maintain the funding, but I'm going to try to apply regardless. I'll be going against Ivy-League schools for these scholarships, so hopefully my unique character and chosen path of study will stick out amongst the corporate applicants.

It's a long shot to apply for the two scholarships mentioned, but I have a contingency plans and back up scholarships and grants in the works as well. I'm working as much as possible, participating in art shows to generate potential income, plan on teaching workshops for fundraising means as well as good old fashioned generosity from friends, family and strangers via crowd-funding.

I still have a long road ahead of me, but I've got the ball rolling and can't wait to see where it goes!